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Dot vmt outdated

Department of Transportation.įor more information, contact Denise E. For more information, please view DOTs Web site linking policy. Linking to a Web site does not constitute an endorsement by DOT of the sponsors of the site or the products presented on the site. Sponsored by: Research and Innovative Technology Administration, University Transportation Centers ProgramĭISCLAIMER: The views of the presenter do not reflect the views of the U.S. In addition, DOT does not attest to the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information provided by linked sites. This presentation looks at three of the many questions underlying this struggle: Will the recent downturn in VMT take care of the problem? If not, which of the possible strategies are likely to help the most? In particular, will the current bicycling craze make a difference? Although much research remains to be done, existing evidence points to the need for a multi-faceted approach to reducing VMT. In the absence of conclusive evidence on the effectiveness of possible strategies, MPOs are struggling to identify the set of strategies that offer the greatest potential for success. State policy now requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to adopt a Sustainable Communities Strategy that outlines the set of strategies the regions will implement to meet their targets for reductions in vehicle-miles traveled (VMT). terns based on current trends and updated projections, not outdated. For the transportation sector, changes in vehicle and fuel technologies will get the state a long way towards its goal, but forecasts show that reductions in driving will also be necessary. ized measures of vehicle miles traveled (VMT).1 at the same time driving has.

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The State of California has set an ambitious goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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